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You can usually find the closed caption settings in the bottom right or left corner of the video player you’re viewing a show, movie or event through.

This will vary, however, based on the provider you’re viewing the content through. In some cases you may even find the closed caption controls at the top of the video player.


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  • Please Note: You may need to wait for the dialogue to begin in the movie or show you’re watching, before the closed caption option appears.

    The closed caption settings also will not be present while ads are playing in most cases.

Closed captions in Channels section

Once you select a channel from one of the Channels sections, note that you will need to wait for that actual show or movie to start playing before the closed caption (CC) option will appear in the bottom right corner of the video player.


You can also update the closed caption settings by selecting the Settings menu in the bottom right corner (see images below).


Closed captions for on-demand content

Whether you’re watching a movie or show through a paid streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, or through a free service like Crackle or Popcornflix, you should see the closed caption controls in the bottom left or right corner of the video player, usually just below the scroll bar.
